Each of us is created, a spark of the Eternal Force, an element of Goodness.
As such we are all inherently good individuals, sparks of the divine, inhabiting physical bodies of complementary forces. When being born into this World, our Spiritual Essence, the G-Dly Spark within us is matched with a physical body, which jointly has the ability to achieve everything.
One of the purposes of Life is to attain a level of connection between our Spiritual Essence and our Physical Essence. Attaining this level requires focusing ones energies unto the Source of All, which is the Creator / GOD / Bahia.
Once we place our focus on this Infinite Source of All, The Connection is reinforced. I emphasize “The Connection”, because the connection between G-D and ourselves is always present. Because G-D like a parent always bestows love and attention to his Children, even if they themselves are not always aware of this.
To enhance the eternal connection between Ourselves and The Infinite G-D, we must decrease the sense of Ourselves as being the source of everything, and place it appropriately that where the Source originates, with G-D The Creator.
In order to achieve this re-alignment of central focus from ourselves back to G-D as the Infinite Source of Everything, we must combat Internal Factors as well as External Factors. These Factors are based in the Ego, and the assumption (egotistically) that we as Individuals are not only Masters of our Domain but also the Source of our abilities to achieve all that is within our grasp.
These Factors with their Symptoms of Manifestations and associated Actions of Remediation can be found in the adjoining sections.
Herein is the objective of this site. As physical beings with G-Dly souls, we interact predominately through physical actions; which creates the perception that we as physical creatures have created that which we have attained. But our G-Dly soul knows that it itself was not created through physicality, but through divinity, and that G-D created everything.
Our physical being also knows that it was created by G-D, and that the connection between itself and G-D’s Infinite Source of Love is within itself. That which is prohibiting the constant flow of G-D’s love to embrace us and all which is around us, is our Own Ego.
It is our Ego which places our physical objectives above and beyond the objectives of our G-Dly nature. Our ego creates perceptions that we are the Source of our achievements, and that the actions which we are taking are justified.
Individual Factors On an Individual level, this creates shortfalls within us because we as physical creatures do not have the capability to solve everything, we are finite. As we move along our journey of Life we encounter situations which affect us for our lack of ability to understand and overcome. By understanding our ego and focusing on our Infinite Connection, we can eliminate the difficulties in our lives; thus allowing our true essence, our individual Light to show itself more profoundly, and positively influence our surroundings through the Sharing of the Love within us.
External Factors As our Ego continues to grow unfettered, it seeks reinforcement of its actions and behavioral comportment by attracting and being attracted to others of similar egotistical tendencies. These individuals who share manifestations of their Ego’s, form groups of individuals whom propagate their egocentric perceptions.
Outward manifestations of their perception that they and their beliefs are the source of their attainment, create impediments to all those whom do not share their perceptions. We therefore have groups of individuals attempting to place their perceptions upon others. Sometimes through peaceful methods, sometimes through not so peaceful methods, and occasionally through methods of subjugation. Whereas these groups will utilize social-based methods of control to implant upon others, their perceptions and actions to reinforce them.
In an effort to combat this promulgation of the Ego of Others, upon those individuals of less egocentric natures; I initially perceived that the adage of “ fight fire with fire” was the optimal course of action to take. But it seems that this was quite egotistical of me, for who is to say that my perception is more right than the perception of the other? It seems that I had fallen into my own trap.
By removing my perception that I or my opinion was the source, and focusing on Infinite G-d or The Creator as the Source, I realized that the only way to affect change was to be the change. In other words, I needed to enhance my own internal Light to work towards being that which I am, which is an individual manifestation of the Light of G-D. That by being as positive as I could be, that my actions would speak louder and more resoundly, and hopefully help to strengthen the Light within another.
That by Sharing My Light of goodness with others, that we others would Share Our Light, increasing (hopefully) the Light within those around us who are blinded by their ego’s.
Please join me.
Show us the Light within You that G-D has blessed you with. Let us join and Share Our Light with those around us, and bring about Eternal Peace and Love.