Megillat Esther, the current years and the Four Questions of the Passover experience
We are all familiar with the Megillat Esther. We are also familiar and thankful that The Torah is a Living Torah; in particular in that its teachings are applicable to each of us everyday.
So it is of no-coincidence that we currently find ourselves living through identical tribulations, as recounted in the Megillat Esther. For during the festive period of Purim, we are also being marked by the 8th Annual "Israel Apartheid Week".
For eight growing years, a force has been openly denigrating Israel and the Jewish People. Yes, this has been occurring for much longer than just the eight most recent years, but lately, this force has been growing. Though this force is "as of yet" not as powerful as that of Haman; their intention is identical in both direction and purpose: The destruction of Israel and the Jewish People.
This is not however an isolated occurrence by a small group of malcontents. As with Haman who expended considerable effort and resources to legalize antisemitism; Today's society is being influenced by anti-semetic rhetoric and practices from the UN to Student Groups bent upon the de-legitimization of Israel and the denigration of the Judeo-Christian principals which provide our Society with Freedom.
As we enter this Passover, this Festival of Freedom we are confronted with Four Questions, all symbolic of ourselves and each a component of our Community: Four questions from the Haggadah, four questions encountered at the juncture of the Sea of Reeds, and four questions today, all answered when Moses responded by stating, "Do Not Be Afraid" for the World is G-D's Garden and as long as we continue along our path, everything will be well.
Should we "drown in the Sea" isolating ourselves from our environment? Should we "Return to Mitzryiam, Egypt and Slavery", adapting to our surroundings and hoping to retain our faith? Should we "Fight", pointing out the ills of the World and Society? Should we "Pray", and allow G-d to fix our problems?
Neither, we should not be afraid These questions arose because we stopped at the Red Sea. But we were not directed to stop, we were directed to continue to Sinai. So let us continue along our way, fulfilling mitvzot and Sharing Our Light to the Community around us.