The Share Our Light Foundation is a private venture created by myself, Pierre (Rachamim) Ancri, with the contributory assistance of members of our Community.
The intended purpose is to strengthening the Judeo-Christian principals of Freedom, and the understanding that G-D himself is the Source of all that is around us. That we are conduits expressing the Light of G-dliness, through the expression of our actions and attributes; and that this is the essence of the Free Society within which we live.
Our Societal Environment, extolling the Freedom of All is being usurped by those who value only the freedoms for themselves and whom place their values above those of others, through the restriction and denigration of the Freedoms of Others.
Through my understanding of the Mitzvah of "Unburdening the donkey of your adversary, before unburdening your own"; I came to the conclusion that acting upon our values outwardly and towards others, achieves two principal results:
The foremost principal achieved is that; We Share The Value of who We are. We share with others our expression of G-D's light within us, and create an opportunity for others to either share of themselves by joining in that which we are doing; or to expand upon that which we have started and create their own expression. The secondary principal which we achieve is that we establish A Foundation hence the Share Our Light Foundation, which is a grouping, based upon the maintenance and defense of certain basic principals, against those intent on harming our Freedom to Express and our Freedom to Exist.
I ask that those of us who believe in our basic principals of faith, take a few moments to consider the value of joining together, through communication; To share that which they are doing with others in this larger Community; And to stand together through the Action of our Values.