Definition: When a Scorpion stings, its venom produces the sensation of cold.
Relation to Ourselves: So when an Individual (or group of individuals) exhibits behavior under the guise of the Scorpion, their words or actions produce the sensation of cold within us.
Example: Typically the Scorpion Sting is disguised as mockery or derision towards something that we have said or done; or towards a preceding discourse or action. We are now made to feel as if our opinion or action is in someway inferior or derogatory to consensus, where consensus is not the agreement of the many but simply the stated position of the Scorpion or individual which is attempting to negate our position.
Intention: The intention here is not the statement of someone’s position. The act serves to elevate the initiators position by debasing the position of others. In doing so, they attempt to solidify their own outcome through intimidation and mockery, isolating anyone willing to question or refute the initiators claim.
Combat: We combat this by bringing heat to the cold, by diverting from the specific to the general. By bringing heat to the cold.
Example: When faced with the derisive rhetoric of Dasan, who through speech focused upon negative components of the Exodus period-in an attempt to usurp power back to himself; Moses directly addressed the negative components which Dasan mentioned, and described their positive aspects. Thereby returning everyone’s attention to the goal at hand, and solidarity.
Here again we take a stand, regardless of our own position, and rebut the negative position being injected into the conversation by requesting substantiation of their claim or position. We do not confront them through accusation but acknowledge their position and request clarification. By so doing, we deflect the impact of their comment through the acknowledgement which they seek-but subsequently place upon them the responsibility of clarification and substantiation.
In the process of their clarifying their position, the ability for everyone to communicate and exchange ideas presents itself, further diluting the negative impact of the derisive comment.
The Scorpion Sting impedes or prevents us from taking a specific action or of expression a certain idea.
End Note: We must stand firmly and openly for the freedom of the down trodden, focusing attention on the positive attributes of everyone.